
How to get to Villa Clythia

By train + bus/taxi

  • TGV (Saint Raphael Valescure station): the nearest TGV station to Villa Clythia is Saint Raphael-Valescure (also called "Saint Raphael").
  • Bus connection: Villa Clythia can be reached by bus with line 3 (Saint Raphael Gare routière, next to the SNCF station - Frejus Gare routière). The bus timetable (every hour, 15min journey) is available on the following website:
  • Cab stations are available at both stations

By plane + bus/taxi

  • By plane: the nearest airport is Nice airport, about 60 kilometers from Fréjus. To go from Nice airport to Fréjus, you can take a bus, a train or a shuttle.
  • Bus connection: There are at least two bus lines serving Fréjus. Bus 3003 (Nice Airport - Fréjus) of the Var Lib bus company takes you from Terminal 1 or 2 to Fréjus town center. Route 20A (Nice - Marseille) of the PACA region takes you from Terminal 1 to the center of Fréjus.
  • Connection by TER: The Saint Augustin train station is less than 10 minutes walk from Nice airport.  The train schedule from Nice (Nice Saint-Augustin Airport station) to Fréjus (Saint Raphaël-Valescure station) can be found on the Voyages SNCF website.
  • Shuttle connection: Shuttle services from the airport to Fréjus are provided by different companies such as Eco Shuttle Network or

Villa Clythia Shuttle Services: Bus Station & Airport


CAES du CNRS - La Villa Clythia

04 94 83 66 06
04 94 95 67 22


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