Code of Conduct

The code of conduct of the workshop will be that of the European Astronomical Society:

The mission of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) is to promote and advance astronomy in Europe. To best pursue this endeavour, we provide ethical guidelines for EAS members, and more generally for individuals involved in the professional astronomical community.

The EAS welcomes and respects all of its members, regardless of (but not limited to) race, eth- nicity, nationality, religious belief, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, family status or socio-economic status. It strives to create an inclusive environment where all members can grow as scientists, contribute to their fullest potential to the advancement of astronomy, and be afforded equal opportunities to move forward in their careers.

All scientists should act ethically in their capacity as researchers, teachers, educators and mentors, and should be aware of their responsibility of training students and young scientists in ethical conduct. The following points describe the minimal ethical standards expected by the EAS. A more-detailed list of recommended good practices is available in the companion document (EAS Guidelines for Good Practice). Where there is violation of the ethics promoted in these documents, the EAS reporting structure is intended only for incidents connected to EAS meetings/events. For other events, the EAS recommends a reporting procedure at the appropriate level so that the relevant body can take suitable action.

The full EAS document is available here.

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